Guests from Hawaii

 I highly recommend staying at Kashimaya, a quaint Japanese inn reminiscent of old Japan run by a friendly and hospitable family,-especially for those on low budget and looking for unique experience.
The inn is situated right near the station and is within walking distance to most major spots in town.  I also enjoyed the delicious Japanese meals artfully, prepared by the master inn keeper.  Such inns are on endangered list so enjoy while you can. Thank you for everything. Aloha.

  ハワイ島火山国立公園わきのVolcano Villageに永住し、近々小さなペンションを開く予定です。一日一グループ8人まで、のんびりと山歩きを楽しんでいただくのが目的です。又、いつか、ハワイ島でお会いしましょう。」
